
Friday, December 10, 2010


       This blog is on Digestion and how it works.Did you ever wonder how you digest food?         Well you will learn about that in a very short period of time
                                                                                                                                                              The first thing is that digestion begins in your mouth.You use your teeth to chew and make your food smaller so you can swallow.These little things called salivary glands produce saliva constantly so you can chemically break down food.You are probably wondering how you taste your food.These little things called are called taste buds and each set can only taste one type of flavor.After the food is broken down your tongue pushes your food down your esophagus.

                                                                                                                                                                In the esophagus there is a muscle contraction which pushes the food down into the stomach.In the stomach there is a chemical that breaks down food and it is called hydrochloric acid.The reason the acid can be in your stomach is that your stomach has a layer of mucus that protects your stomach from being burned.                                                                                                                                                                               

                                                                                                    The next part of digestion is the small intestine.The small intestine starts from the stomach.The small intestine can be from thirteen to twenty feet long!Wow that is pretty long.These little things called villi absorb nutrients to get sent to the rest of the body.Once the food gets to the end of the small intestine it is the beginning of the large intestine.
                                                                                                                                                                The large intestine starts at the end of the small intestine.The large intestine is 5 feet long!It is shorter than the small intestine but it is wider.The large intestine's main job is to remove water from the waste so you do not get dehydrated.When the food is completely dry it is sent to the rectum.The waste piles up then goes to the anus.When it gets there your in the bathroom.

Here is a video on the process of Digestion.

 Well that is my blog and I hope you enjoyed it.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Wierdest House ever

  This building is supported by a small shaft for an elevator and was built in the late 1900's and it has at least 67 windows.I would not really want to live in this house because if the bottom catches on fire you would be stuck in it.It has tiny ladders on the corners so you can get down if there is an emergency.The bottom is probably 30 feet from the ground.It has ten floors and an eleventh floor with no roof on top.It has a wall on every side of it.I just wonder what would someone do with all that space.The person who created this building is Mr. Jhonny E. Masters.This building is one of the oldest buildings in the bolgarianbuilding services.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Shreiner Trip

  The week of October 31-November 6 the school I go to went on a big trip.The trip went to Florida to see the Kennedy Space center and see the space shuttle go off.I am going to be blogging about what I did with my school and how I felt.
   On Monday November 1 most of my school and I got on a coach bus to go to Florida.We left at 9:00.It was a 9 and a half long drive.We were suppose to go to sleep on the drive down,but I only went to sleep from 4:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.I was not very comfortable to go to sleep in the bus.We watched a movie until midnight and then some people went to sleep.Then at 2:00 a.m. we stoped at a gas station and it took a while to get gas.Later at 4:00a.m. I passed out in the most uncomfortable position with my head laying on my pillow on my lap facing forward.Later when we stoped at 6:30 a.m. I fell on the floor and woke up.It took about 30 mins. to get checked in.
  The next day at 8:00 we went to breakfast and went to the Kennedy Space center for the whole day and left at 6:00 p.m. and went to Pizza Hut at 8:00 p.m.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Ghost!!!!!!!!!! BOO!!

    Does science explain everything and have an answer.Does our society have room for the paranormal.In old times when a volcano erupted the people thought that the volcano gods were mad at them.Now things can be told by science,or can it not.Well it is not up to me to tell that they exists or they don't.Personally I think that they are real.My science teacher is creeping me and my class out with a bunch of scary videos on ghosts.
    For example,one time my mom and I came home from Tennessee and I saw a car go right through a building.
    Well leave me a comment on if you believe or if you don't.

The Circulatory system

Do you  know what the circulatory system is made up of.If you don't this is the blog for you.We are going to be learning what the circulatory system is made of.
   The circulatory system is made up of veins,the heart,blood,arteries,and capillaries.Capillaries
are these things that connect the arteries to the veins.
    I love this style of letters.Now here is an awesome song on the Circulatory system.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Tissues

There are four different types of tissues and no they are not the things you blow your nose into.Tissues are a group of cells that do the same job or function witch ever one you choose.

       The four types of tissues are the nerve tissuees,muscle tissues,connective tissues,and cover up tissue.

                                           Tissue Types
              The muscle tissue is what helps you move around.For example when you move your arm upwards it makes your bottom muscle smaller and your top muscle bigger.That is how you move.

            The nerve tissue is what gives you feeling.Like when you put your hand on a stove it burns because the nerve cells send a message to your brain and tell to move your hand.They are long so they can reach the others to send the current of electricity.

             The connective  tissue like ligaments connect your muscle to your bones and your bones to your bones.The tendon is what connects your legs to your feet.I have seen some pictures of connective tissues and thank goodness you can't see them.

            The cover-up tissue is basically your skin.It is other wise known as epithelial tissue.You have cover up tissue to keep out germs out of your body.It is the largest organ of your entire body and holds your other organs inside

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The types of Algae

There are six different types of algae.Why don't we learn about them today.First before we talk about them the most important organism because to me because most of our oxygen comes from them.

  First the most common algae is the green algae it lives in ponds usually on the surface of the water.The most important algae of all because most of our air comes from them.About 70% percent comes from algae.Here is a photo of green algae below.Before I learned about algae I thought they were useless,now I know that we could not live without them.To the far right is a picture of green algae.

  Now the brown algae we do yes.Brown algae is like kelp that fish eat.They have chlorophyll  and a brown pigment that gives them their color.
    Here is a picture of brown algae below this sentence to the far left.

  Red algae can also be used to make pudding to tooth paste smooth.Thank goodness you can't taste them or I'd fell sick.They also have a red pigment to help them absorb sunlight from deep in the ocean.I would of thought there would not be light down there.
To the right we have a picture of red algae.

  The  next algae were going to talk about is Dino flagellates.Wow a pretty interesting topic and word.The Dino flagellates are mean to the environment by making an alga bloom.An alga bloom is where they take over the surface and make it dark.After that they produce poison and kill marine life.The Dino flagellates also have a unique flagella to make them spin around in a circle.If they weren't used to it they would throw up.To the bottom we have a picture of red tide.
 The Eugleniods have a wiped like tail and have sensitive eyes that is named eye-spot that is sensitive to sunlight.I could not think of that much about them like the others,but lets get back to the topic.
The photo of Eugleniods to the right.
  The Diatoms their cell-membranes are made of the main substance that glass is made of.I think that the Diatoms are cool for their shiny outer layer.To the far left we have the diatom picture.

   That's my blog and thanks for reading.Be sure to read the other blogs that I do weekly.
                                                 SCIENCE        ROCKS   !!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

The parts of BACTIRIA! Awsome!

The cell is surronded by a lipid a flexible cell membraine.It also holds nutrients like a mini-refrigerator for protien and other food.Bactiria as you know they don't have many organell's like our cells.Inside bactiria's cytoplasm they have very little intracellular structures.They also don't have a nucleus and other organells like our cells.These subcellular compartments are called "bactirial hyperstructures".

Although bactiria are not the most complex organism you can not imagine what they do for us in our life.I am always facinated by them and want to learn more about them.Luckily I have an awsome teacher who can help me to do that.
This is a picture on the structure of  a bactiria.It is an awsome organism and can do us well in our adventure in life.
Also check out this video on bactiria and cell growth.
 Check out this picture on the flagellum.

Bactiria contain a good developed cell structure that is responsible for many unice biological properties.Alot of structural features like the cytoplasm are unike to the bactiria are not found around others like archaea & eukariotes. Because of the simplicity of bacteria relative to larger organisms and the ease with which they can be manipulated experimentally, the cell structure of bacteria has been well studied, revealing many biochemical principles that have been subsequently applied to other organisms

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Scarlet Fever oh-no!!!!!!

Scarlet Fever - strep throat with horrible itchy a rash.   

Scarlet Fever is known as Streptococcus (group A) and has the same bacteria as strep throat .  What was once a serious childhood disease can now be easily cured.  It takes one or two days for symptoms to show and it begins with a fever and sore throat.  I think it feels like sand paper on your tongue.  In the first 2 days a rash shows on the neck and chest.  Then it spreads across the whole body.   Other symptoms include chills, fever, headaches, vomiting and a swollen red tongue.   It can take up to 2 - 3 weeks to fully go away.  The disease can be carried by the mouth and nasal fluids and spread by the droplets from sneezing or coughing.I think that bactiria is pretty cool what it does for us.Like help us digest food and 99% of bactiria can help us in life.  
Check out this cool link to tell all about scarlet fever and it includes pictures.
Here is what it looks like in  your lungs.