
Tuesday, March 22, 2011


 Classification is used to help scientist find a certain organism easier.I will show you the steps of classification in this blog.
  The organism  I am going to classify is the beagle.Here are the steps of classification.

  The first one is the domain.The domain was just recently found.It contains the most organisms.The beagle belongs in the domain eukaryote.The eukaryote are all organisms that are not bacteria.Some examples of things that are in this group are beagles,maple,trees,cockroaches,sharks,shrimp,wolves,Monkeys,Whales and amoebas.

 The next group is the kingdom.the kingdom shows what kingdom an organism belongs in.The beagle belongs in the animal kingdom.Some  examples of the animal kingdom are beagles,cockroaches,sharks,shrimp,German Shepard,Monkeys,Whales and wolves.

  The next group is the Phylum.The beagle belongs in the group chordata,and that means it has a backbone.Here are some examples of what belong in chordata.Beagles,German Shepard,

Sharks,Coyotes,Wolves,Whales,and Monkeys.

 The next group is the Class.The beagle belongs in the group mamalia or mammal.The whale does not belong in this group because it does not have fur or feed its babies milk.The examples in this group are Monkeys,Coyotes,Beagles,Bobcats,German Shepard and Wolves.

 The next step is the Order.The beagle belongs in the group           carnivora or carnivore.That means that it eats meat.The monkeys do not belong in this group because they do not eat meat.

 The next group is the Family.The beagle belongs in the group canine or canis.That means all dogs go into this group.The cat does not belong in this group because it is a cat or feline.The animals that are left are the Wolves,Coyotes,German Shepard, and the beagle.

 Genus is the next group.A dogs scientific name is canis lupus.That is describing every type of dog.So the examples do not change.

 The last group is the most specific group.There is a special name for every animal.It is called the  binomial name.The beagle's scientific name is canis lupus familiaris.

 That is my blog hoped you liked it.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Six Kingdoms

  Have you ever wondered how different things are classified and what they have to have to be classified into that group?Well this blog is going to explain it to you.The reason scientist classify living organism is to make keeping track of organisms a lot easier.The Six kingdoms are animals,archaebacteria,eubacteria,protist,fungi, and plants.

  The first one I am going to be talking about is the ARCHAEBACTERIA.The archaebacteria group means that the organisms have only one cell.Archaebacteria means that every thing in it's group is ancient or old.They were the first living things on the growing Earth.They do not have a nucleus.These type of bacteria are found in extreme weather like the bottom of an ocean or in a hot geyser.They have their own groups because they are made up of different chemicals.

                                                HERE IS A PICTURE OF ARCHAEBACTERIA.

   The next group is also a bacteria group,but is a little bit different from the last kingdom.The group is called the EUBACTERIA.Eubacteria are one celled organisms and do not have a separate nucleus.Portions of this group are able to get their own food.They are the same compared to other organism except for archaebacteria chemically.

    The next group I am going to talk about are the PROTISTS.The organisms in the protist kingdoms have one cell and some have many cells.This group has a nucleus.The amoeba's and paramecium have only one cell and eat off of other organism's.The euglena's and the algae make their food through photosynthesis.The last two examples of protist are slime mold's and diatom's.Diatom's have a hard cell wall protecting them and they look like glass.

 The next group I am going to do is the FUNGI group.The organisms in this group can be single celled or multi celled.They have cell walls and reproduce by spores.Spores are things that fungi shoot out and plant itself in the ground.Fungi's cell walls are made up of cellos.Fungi live on their food for their entire life.Fungi are decomposers.Which means that they clean up the ecosystem by eating other dead organisms.Most fungi are mushrooms and yeast.

  The next kingdom is the Plant kingdom!Plants are multi cellular and  have a cell wall in every cell.They have a cell membrane behind the cell wall.All plants have to be able to make their own food through photosynthesis which takes sunlight and turns it into food.Some examples of plants are maple trees,pine trees,ferns dandelions,moss,roses,and potatoes.

  The last kingdom is the ANIMAL group.Animals are made up of many cells.I belong in the animal,you belong in it too and everyone around you belongs in this group.Our cells ave a separate nucleus and is protected by a cell membrane.All animals have to go get their food by eating other organisms.Animals are divided into two major groups organisms that have a backbone (vertebrates) and organisms that do not have a backbone (invertebrates).Examples of organisms with backbones are frogs,fish,lizards,humans,dogs,cats, and Eagles.Examples of organisms without backbones are jelly fish,coral,worms,slugs, and sea stars.
 I am done with my blog,hope you liked it and here is a video.