
Friday, April 15, 2011


  This blog is on Sharks.You will learn all about sharks and see some species of sharks.The first thing I am going to blog about is how something is classified as a shark.
 To be classified as a shark you need to have rough skin like scales.They are only rough when you rub them from tail to head.Sharks have excellent smelling and eye sight.A shark can see it's prey from 100-200 feet away in clear water.Sharks they reproduce sexually.They lay eggs and if they can't find food for the cubs they eat them.

 This is what a shark egg looks like.

The next thing is that,well you know those movies about sharks like Jaws.Those things are fake and betray sharks.Most sharks are not dangerous.When sharks bite someone that means they are confusing you with a fish or seal.When they first bite you they will stop and go away because they know they made a mistake.There are only 30 out of 375 sharks that are dangerous.I know some sharks that are dangerous like the thrasher,bull and great white sharks.

The next thing I am going to blog about is the different types of sharks.I am going to put several sharks on this blog.If you leave a comment,tell me your favorite type of shark.

               The first one is my favorite the Great White shark.

  The next one is a prehistoric shark.This is not a real picture,it is a painting a person made by looking at it's fossils.It is called the Megaladon.

  The first shark I am going to blog about is the Great White.It can weigh up to 2,500 pounds.They are very dangerous.Their speed can reach up to 25 miles per hour.If you were in the water with one you would not be able to escape.This is the shark that gave other sharks a bad name.This shark lives in temperate seas.That means in weather like what it is in Australia.The great white eats Fish,sharks,sea lions and seals.It can also live up to 30 years.

The next one is the Megaladon.The Megaladon's other name is the Giant tooth.The Megaladon's teeth can reach up to 7 inches.That is amazing that it's teeth are bigger than half a foot.The great white shark's teeth are 2.5 inches.The Megaladon is one of the very few dangerous sharks.

Here is a picture showing how big a Megaladon is compared to a great white.

Well thats my blog and I hope you leave a comment on what is your favorite shark.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Fish the under water animals

  This blog is about FISH!This blog is going to explain what a fish needs to have to be classified as a fish and how they breathe under water.
  The first thing I am going to blog about is how fish are classified and what something needs to have to be a fish.First a fish needs to have fins.Fins help fish move or swim around.The next thing is that it needs to be cold blooded.That means that a fish can change its temperature to the temperature that is around it.The last thing a fish needs to be called a fish is gills.Gills help fish breathe under water. Fish take in water through their mouth and go through their circulatory system then out of their gills.Their membranes protect their gills.Fish are streamlined which helps them move around easily and fast.
  Fish are the oldest living vertebra's.That means they are the oldest organism that has a backbone.There are three groups of fish bony,jaw less,and cartilaginous.
  Bony fish is the largest group.Bony fish have bones.Bony fish use swim bladders to be bouyant like to go up and down in the water.
  The cartilaginous group is in the middle.In this group there are sharks,rays,skates and more.Those animals all have something in  common,it's that they do not have bones.Their bones are made of cartilage.
  The last group is the jaw less fish.You probably know that they do not have jaws.There are two types of jaw less fish hag fish and lamprey.They both suck on their food.There use to be more than sixty species of jaw less fish,but now there is only two species left.The fishes that are extinct are now fossils.