Black people were slaves until 1865 when the civil war occurred from 1861-1865. It started when Abraham Lincoln got elected in to the presidency. Abraham Lincoln passed a bill saying when a slave gets in to a free state they can stay there. When the southern states got mad that they were loosing their slaves they seceded from the U.S. Seceding means to leave something, so they left the U.S.
The battle went on for four years and was the bloodiest battle that happened in U.S. history. The North was called the Union and the South was called the Confederacy. The Union had almost twice as much men as the Confederacy and had more weapons, ammo and transportation than them. The Union won in 1865 when they captured Atlanta.
First I am talking about the worst people that were against civil rights and they are the Ku Klux Klan. They would torture, tease and sometimes kill blacks. It began with six southern veterans coming together in a town and making a group. They would torture old slaves and any blacks because they were mad they lost their slaves. The leader was called the Grand Cyclops and others were called ghouls. They would do horrible things like hang blacks, shoot at black peoples houses and cars, kidnap and start riots. The Klan died out around 1950.
Next, I am blogging about Ruby Bridges. She was the first black to go to an all whites school. Her dad did not want her to go to an all white school because she could be teased at school. Her Mom wanted her to go to an all whites school because she had a hard life and she wanted her daughter to have a better one.
Ruby was threatened to be poisoned if she went back to school. Her dad lost his job because his boss did not like his child going to an all white school. U.S. Marshals had to walk her to and from school to protect her from the people who wanted to kill her. Ruby started to see a child psychiatrist after winter break.
Blacks could still not vote after the civil war. Blacks actually had less opportunity's after the civil war. The people that were in the southern states made governments so the blacks could not vote. It was Andrew Johnson that made it so blacks could not be in the convention to rewrite the constitution. In 1866 angry congress people made a civil rights bill that said an American citizen is someone born in the U.S. except Native Americans. President Johnson tried to get the bill cancelled, but it was passed anyway. When that bill was passed blacks could be citizens of the U.S.
I learned on the field trip that 1/3 of the confederates died. I learned that 1/6 of the Union died. The main cause of death was infection. During the civil war people did not have good personal hygiene. Some soldiers ran away from the battle to see their families. Atlanta had a lot of rail road tracks which made it good for the heart of the Confederacy.
I liked that the museum made it so that you do interactive stuff. They make it so you have fun while you are learning. The museum made time lines for what happened through the years.They made it so you understood both point of views.