
Friday, October 15, 2010

Ghost!!!!!!!!!! BOO!!

    Does science explain everything and have an answer.Does our society have room for the paranormal.In old times when a volcano erupted the people thought that the volcano gods were mad at them.Now things can be told by science,or can it not.Well it is not up to me to tell that they exists or they don't.Personally I think that they are real.My science teacher is creeping me and my class out with a bunch of scary videos on ghosts.
    For example,one time my mom and I came home from Tennessee and I saw a car go right through a building.
    Well leave me a comment on if you believe or if you don't.

The Circulatory system

Do you  know what the circulatory system is made up of.If you don't this is the blog for you.We are going to be learning what the circulatory system is made of.
   The circulatory system is made up of veins,the heart,blood,arteries,and capillaries.Capillaries
are these things that connect the arteries to the veins.
    I love this style of letters.Now here is an awesome song on the Circulatory system.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Tissues

There are four different types of tissues and no they are not the things you blow your nose into.Tissues are a group of cells that do the same job or function witch ever one you choose.

       The four types of tissues are the nerve tissuees,muscle tissues,connective tissues,and cover up tissue.

                                           Tissue Types
              The muscle tissue is what helps you move around.For example when you move your arm upwards it makes your bottom muscle smaller and your top muscle bigger.That is how you move.

            The nerve tissue is what gives you feeling.Like when you put your hand on a stove it burns because the nerve cells send a message to your brain and tell to move your hand.They are long so they can reach the others to send the current of electricity.

             The connective  tissue like ligaments connect your muscle to your bones and your bones to your bones.The tendon is what connects your legs to your feet.I have seen some pictures of connective tissues and thank goodness you can't see them.

            The cover-up tissue is basically your skin.It is other wise known as epithelial tissue.You have cover up tissue to keep out germs out of your body.It is the largest organ of your entire body and holds your other organs inside